Kyriakidis construction company is among one of the most renowned construction companies in Greece. Many of our clients are looking to buy or sell a house in Greece. For whichever reason, many people residing in Greece or in Crete decide, at some point, to sell their house in Greece and either look for some villa to rent in the vicinity , or move to other places. This is completely acceptable and normal, and in this informative article from our blog we will share some secrets for those who want to sell their home in Greece or Crete.

Selling a house in Greece: The essentials.
Many of our clients are thinking of selling their house on the market on their own. This may sound like a good idea at first glance, however, in today’s market professionalism and thorough knowledge of the market is crucial. Real estate agents can make your house for sale in Crete to sell faster and with better terms. We are not only referring to marketing terms into the selling process but also the technical building terms that are very important in these types of transactions. As a piece of advice, we recommend letting the professionals do this work, it is what they know to do best.
House selling Greece: Save time.
Professionals are well networked and know the place where your house listing is going to sell fast and efficiently. They also have a huge knowledge of the market, thus it is much easier for them to sell a house efficiently and effortlessly.

Sell a house in Greece: Leave it to the professionals.
If you decide to consult a professional in order to sell a house in Greece, you will also be rest assured that they will also have a law department, a mechanic/ architect department and thus everything will be in the correct order for the appropriate house sale.
The legal papers.
Apart from the bureaucratic stuff that everyone should have in mind as stated above, a house seller needs to have all the necessary legal papers in order to have a successful negotiation.
Needless to say, debt of any kind or non paid bills have to be organised before anyone is concerned for your home. All the utility bills, as well as every monetary obligation against the state has to be fully arranged from the owner, in order for him to be free to do whatever he wants with his assets. We, at Kyriakidis Construction Company can help you organize these matters in a professional manner.

As for the legal documents necessary for the house selling process, it is paramount that ID scans, as well as the social security numbers and VAT registry numbers should be ready. Official house contracts, as well as official topographic representation and notary certificates are always needed, as well as a certificate of no legal discrepancies for the house. A copy from the Official Hellenic Cadastre is also needed, as well as ENFIA (Tax of property ownership) that dictates that the property was successfully submitted to the Greek service of Finance for the last 5 years.
As we already stated, a certification of no debt for the house geared for selling and for the individual having no debt to the state is to be submitted as well.
Some advice from Kyriakidis Construction Company.
We have successfully sold many villas and houses in Greece over the last 25 years and we can certainly help you sell your house or villa in Greece. We also have successful coοperations with law and notary firms that can simplify things and make the selling process a relaxing and stress free experience. You can contact us to find more information about the process, what we are really successful at, or we can also propose to you new investment opportunities in Villas in Crete which we carefully build, construct and maintain.